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发布时间:2015-09-07 01:51:27



 1. 在文章的浏览(即略读,skimming)过程中,对文中信息重要性的判断可以帮助读者快速有效地了解段落的大意。

  2. 在浏览过程中,读者可以通过寻找“信号词”(Key Words)来区分重要信息和非重要信息。


  The main / important point / conclusion / reason…。

  The point to note here…

  eg. Resilience has not historically been the country’s economic strong point. As recently as 2001, GDP fell by over 7%. It fell by more than 5% in 1994, and by just under 5% in 1999. Indeed, throughout the 1990s growth oscillated like an electrocardiogram recording a violent heart attack. This irregularity has been one of the main reasons (along with red tape and corruption) why the country has failed dismally to attract much-needed foreign direct investment. Its stock of such investment (as a percentage of GDP) is lower now than it was in the 1980s, and annual inflows have scarcely ever reached $1 billion (whereas Ireland attracted over $25 billion in 2003, as did Brazil in every year from 1998 to 2000)。


  There are three major reasons…

  eg. There were three major reasons for me to come to Florence: learning the Italian language, Machiavelli, and Italian wine. My grasp of the language is now good enough to use in everyday life more or less without problems. Machiavelli has so far eluded me in the sense that I expected there to be at least one or two classes on Machiavelli that I could take, and unfortunately this spring there is only one class on Renaissance philosophy, and it’s not Machiavelli. Finally, I have learned a bit about Italian wine。

  3.but 和 however表示对比,常常用来提示重要信息,例如:


  The rising birth rate is not due to increased fertility, but to a sharp decline in the death rate。


  I am graduated in US University, like every US students, I want to join Harvard MBA ! However, I would say UNCC MBA is the most realistic choice in HK。



  Why is a piped water supply so important? Disease due to contaminated water is a common cause of death in childhood。


  Why most business owners never make any money and reach the level of success that they could? I believe there are 3 major reasons


  Death control can be achieved autonomously. In other words, the death rate can be cut without anything else changing。

  6. 表示原因的词要牢记(常考点):

  owing to, due to, because, because of, in that, but for, without, thanks to, for


  in order to, so as to, in order that, so that, to, for,


  as a result, resultantly, consequently, at last, in the end, end up in


  Therefore/the result/in conclusion/we can conclude

  one of the primary conclusions is that…/in a word

  eg. The literature review presented by Elizabeth Condie, PT, FCSP, provided a critical appraisal of the general information, practicality, reliability, validity, scaling, and bias of 28 key articles published in the last 10 years. One conclusion to be drawn from the literature is that there is currently no gold standard or consensus opinion on the most appropriate measure in LLP。


  For example/instance/like

  Such as/these include

  To illustrate/among/ these are


  eg1 The developing countries are dependent on cash crops – sugar, coffee, cacao, cotton。

  eg2. Precipitating/violent/unexpected factors are those which reduce the food supply (droughts, floods, wars, epidemics)…


  eg3. A qualified accountant (ACA, ACMA, CPA, ACCA) ideally with post graduate business education (an MBA for example... ) Platform to deliver financial


  The main reason for (TIPS:下文信息重要) the reduction in the death rate in the developing world has been improved public health measures. For example, (TIPS :下文信息不重要,仅仅是为了用来证明前面的观点) in Sri Lanka the death rate was halved over ten years by spraying the mosquitoes which carry malaria.   Why (TIPS :问题的答案中有读者应该关注的重点) is it so easy to cut the death rate in this way and yet so hard to reduce the birth rate? One answer (TIPS :这只是众多答案中的一种,并不是最重要的。) is that public health measures can be very cheap. Anti-malarial spraying is inexpensive. But this is not the important point (TIPS :but后面的是非常重要的信息). For birth control programmes to be successful, a change in attitude is required, whereas death control can be achieved autonomously. In other words, (TIPS :这里是作者想要强调的重要信息) the death rate can be cut without anything else changing。










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